Saturday, July 11, 2009

Resolution Regarding North Korean Hostility

WHEREAS the United States has attempted diplomatic solutions to North Koreas' many grievous sleights to the United States and its allies;

WHEREAS the United States has patiently suffered international hostility for many years;
NAMELY the taking hostage of Diplomats in Iran, an act of war; the bombings of embassies and miltary bases abroad in Somalia, Beirut and others; multiple acts by foreign state sponsored terrorists against United States soldiers and civilians both on United States soil and abroad;
WHEREAS the fact that many of these offences have gone unpunished;
WHEREAS United States has suffered both politically and militarily from its failure to incur retribution;
WHEREAS THEREFORE it is in the best interest of the United States to take a firm and unforgiving postion of proactive defence;

WHEREAS North Korea is guilty of innumerable human rights violations;
NAMELY, the complete restriction of free speech, religion, press, and also of movement; forced prostitution; the existence and practice of a eugenics program; denial of food and other necessities to its citizens; and the implementation of concentration camps for political enemies, the mentally and physically disabled, and foreigners;
WHERIN ALONE even further abuses occur, not the least of which include forced abortions, beatings, torture, public humiliation, and public execution;
WHEREAS these transgressions are among the worst in the world committed by a government against its people;

WHEREAS a ceasefire does not designate the end of hostilities;
WHEREAS we are therefore still legally engaged in hostilities with North Korea;
WHEREAS we are allied with South Korea against North Korea;
WHEREAS regardless of any declaration or absence thereof on behalf of South Korea and the remainder of the Western world, North Korea has described relations as a state of war;
WHEREAS North Korea engages in hostile diplomatic posturing;
NAMELY declaring its sovereignty over the entire Korean peninsula, threatening to preemptively reduce South Korea to "debris" and a "sea of fire", refusal to engage in nuclear disarmament,
WHEREAS FURTHER North Korea has repeatedly engaged in hostile actions;
NAMELY the placing of artillery along the DMZ in order to make good on their aforementioned threats of preemptive strikes; the repeated testing of short-range missiles capable of striking as far as Japan; their repeated development and testing of nuclear materials and weapons; hostile naval border disputes; and repeated attempts to assassinate South Korean officials;
WHEREAS repeated attempts by the international community to censure and sanction North Korea have failed to produce any desireable results;
WHEREAS Pyongyang announced to its country that "It is a laughable delusion for the United States to think that it can get us to kneel with sanctions";
WHEREAS FURTHER Pyongyang has threatened that"armed forces will deal an annihilating blow that is unpredictable and unavoidable, to any 'sanctions' or provocations by the US" and a "fire shower of nuclear retaliation";

WHEREAS a conventional military action against North Korea would be extremely costly, as South Korea itself would be severely damaged, as well as the armies of both South Korea and the United States and all other allies who desire to rid the world of the North Korean pestilence;
WHEREAS combat operations are made more difficult when dealing with fanatical populations spurred on by a cult of personality;
WHEREAS the Laws of War further complicate operations in such situations and will contribute further to the death tolls of the forces liberating the Korean peninsula;
WHEREAS the North Korean citizenry have largely had their free will subjugated to a fanatical cult of personality;
WHEREAS the North Korean Army will draft any and all able bodied persons in defence of Kim Jong Il;
WHEREAS empirical experience shows the preservation of life to be impossible when dealing with these fanatics;
WHEREAS these fanatics often engage in suicidal defence of their oppressors at great cost on both sides of the engagement;
WHEREAS the persons enslaved in North Koreas concentration camps will be put to death at the first sign of an attempt to free them;
WHEREAS it is therefore reasonable to assume that, in order to neutralize the North Korean threat, the majority of its population will be annihilated;

LET IT BE RESOLVED that as North Korea constitutes a hostile, unreasonable and belligerent nation; that North Korea is a threat to all free countries in Eastern Asia and seeks to threaten the entire Free World;
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that the United States will temporarily cease combat operations abroad in order to bring the entirety of its air power to bear on North Korea. The United States will strike without warning and will commence saturation carpet bombing of every inch of North Korea's 46,528 square miles, without respect or regard to the targeted area, whether it be military, civilian, or undeveloped;
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that this operation will attempt to maximize the demoralizing effect of aerial bombardments by approaching from as many sides of the nation as possible so as to prevent retaliation or escape, by using all variety of armament excluding nuclear weapons, by repeating strikes so as to ensure complete destruction of North Korean infrastructure and military material, and by broadcasting Richard Wagners' "Flight of the Valkyries" and Jimi Hendrix's rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner" on all frequencies and from loudspeakers on our bombers and at the DMZ;
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that these actions should be construed to impart to other entities currently engaged in hostilities with the United States the generosity and good-will of the United States when our military actions do not involve complete destruction, but rather a precise, surgical invasion seeking to minimize civilian death and loss of infrastructure.

Monday, July 6, 2009

שלום דרך עוצמת אש טובה ביותר

It has been in the news a fair bit lately, people protesting Israel, people saying that neither the US nor anyone else should be backing Israel, that maybe we should be backing Palestine instead. Or, perhaps, we should back neither. We should go in and "enforce peace" or let Israel and Palestine and Jordan and Syria and Egypt duke it out and then we talk to the winner.

These people suck. I do not get a lot of modern entertainment these days. I do not watch TV, I do not go to the theatre, and I do not listen to the radio. What I do is I watch Israel. Israel rocks. Forget for a moment whether or not Israel SHOULD exist. That is ancient history, it does not matter any more. The fact is, these people are here now. And they have every right to live there now. They were born there. They have families there. They might just grow old and die there. That is what makes them our protagonists.

Our protagonists are surrounded on all sides by evil neighbors. Malicious, theocratic, self-entitled, whining Muslim nations who are so pissed over losing 8,000 square miles and one holy city that they have sworn their treasuries, their policies, and the welfare and lives of their citizens to getting it back or destroying it in the process.

But Israel is not our ordinary peace-loving nation. The Israeli people understand that they are in a fight for their lives and they will NOT be robbed of them. They do not fight weak wars. They do not occupy and set up provisional governments. They do not do the Cold War Berlin thing. They kick ass in ways so painful that their neighbors will not even look at them cross-eyed. Oh, sure, they talk the bad shit to eachother or to the rest of the world, but soon as Israel walks into the room they sit up a little straighter and start saying "Sir". Why?

Israel is a nation composed ENTIRELY of badass. Israel is a country whose military's mission statement, as it's first item, says "Israel cannot afford to lose a single war".

In 1967, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq decided they were going to have a little gang-bang. Israel got wind of this, and literally DESTROYED the main opposing air force in the early hours of the morning. By the end of the first day, they had TOTAL air superiority. 5 days later, they controlled the ENTIRE Sinai peninsula and were well on the path to Cairo before everyone said "Uncle". They call this the Six Day War.

6 years later, almost the same group of belligerents (whose name for the "6 Day War" is "The Setback", just to give an idea of their learning curve) decided to make a sneak attack on one of Judaism's holiest days, Yom Kippur. Things went well, at first. Then the Israeli Defense Forces finished lacing up their ass-kickin' boots and made for a total reversal. They regained all of the territory that had been invaded and even EXTENDED it by the time the war ended.

This is a government that is so dead-set on peace with their neighbors that in spite of controlling Jerusalem, one of the holiest, most ancient cities on the planet, and controlling the site of some of the holiest ground in THREE religions, the Temple Mount, that they have turned over administration of the Temple Mount to a group so intolerant of other beliefs that nobody not of this belief is permitted to worship there. Muslims ONLY, and everyone else, in their minds, should be grateful to be granted visitation. The good graces of the Israeli people made a gift of this holy place, and they are trying to hurt not just the Israelis, but EVERYONE with that gift. The goodwill of teh Israeli government even helps to enforce this petty ban. It is not even the holiest site in Islam, like it is for the Jews and Christians. That honor is reserved for Mecca, a city that forbids entry to non-Muslims. Are we sensing a pattern here? Israel is right to fear for its safety. Israel has shown remarkable maturity and restraint in its diplomacy. And as far as I am concerned, Israel is right to strike at their foes, preemptively or no, and I will side with them by default.

This is a country composed of people who can work a 9-5, Monday through Friday workweek, punch out Friday night, go to a party, get drunk, and decide to invade Palestine over the weekend. So they do. They march over the countryside, do some off-roading with their tanks, and are back in time to shower and be back in the office Monday. And I LOVE to watch them do it. It gives me a warm fuzzy. It is my favorite thing in the news, on television, or to hear on the radio.

And these people want to cancel my favorite show.

Now do not get me wrong. I would never reduce the valiant struggle of the Israeli people to little more than a TV show. What I find, however, is that I get as excited about the news of Israel kicking ass as some people get about their football team winning the Superbowl - when the IDF lays the smackdown on Palestine, gives Iran the finger, laughs at Syria's pathetic chest thumping, or when they effortlessly defuse another attempt by Muslim fanatics to start a war over the Temple Mount, part of my rejoices like a stadium full of Argentinians whose team just won the World Cup. Because what we get with Israel is a fight that matters, a fight for the right to live and exist, a fight against some of the most pervasive religious intolerance in the world, a fight against some of the most belligerent, violent, stubborn governments on the planet. Were I Jewish, I would join that fight without a second thought. Outside of that, I have little choice but to cheer these people who understand, above all else, that if you want peace you must prepare for war.

A people who truly understand that Peace is won through Superior Firepower.

Friday, July 3, 2009

How Many Dead Baby Jokes Does It Take ...

How many babies does it take to paint a house?
One, if you throw it hard enough.

What do you call a baby that's been through the dishwasher 35 times?
Probably dead.

What do you get when you put a baby in a blender?
I'll tell you in a second

Why do you put a baby into a blender feet first?
To see its expression.

How do you get a dead baby out of a blender?

What do you call a dead baby with no arms and no legs on your porch?

What do you call a dead baby with no arms and no legs in your pool?

What do you call a dead baby with no arms and no legs in a ditch?

What do you call a dead baby with no arms and no legs on the beach?

What do you call a dead baby with no arms and no legs on your wall?
Do you have any "Art" for sale?
Depends, do you need a babysitter?

What do you call a dead baby with no arms and no legs in the middle of the ocean?

Why did the baby fall off of the swing?
It didn't have any arms or legs.

What's the difference between a truckload of dead babies and a truckload of bowling balls?
One you can unload with a pitchfork.

Why do you unload a truckload of babies with a pitchfork?
So you can tell which ones were still alive.

What's funnier than a dead baby?
A dead baby in a clown suit.

What's better than a dead baby?
Revoked child support.

What's more fun than stapling babies to a wall?
Ripping them off again.

What's the difference between a Cadillac and a pile of dead babies?
I don't have a Cadillac in my garage.

What's the worst part of a pile of dead babies?
The live one at the bottom trying to eat its way out.

What's red and crawls up your leg?
A homesick abortion

What does a blind, deaf, and quadriplegic baby get for Christmas?

How do you make a dead baby float?
Two scoops ice cream, one scoop dead baby.

What's worse than ten dead babies in a trashcan?
One dead baby in ten trashcans.

What's the difference between an apple and a dead baby?
I won't eat an apple with cum on it.

On The Proper Conduct of War

From Shakespeare's Henry V, Act III, Scene IIIKing Henry V has lain siege to Harfleur and is preparing to take the city. He offers the Governor one chance a leniency before he commences the attack

"How yet resolves the governor of the town?
This is the latest parle we will admit;
Therefore to our best mercy give yourselves;
Or like to men proud of destruction
Defy us to our worst: for, as I am a soldier,
A name that in my thoughts becomes me best,
If I begin the battery once again,
I will not leave the half-achieved Harfleur
Till in her ashes she lie buried.
The gates of mercy shall be all shut up,
And the flesh'd soldier, rough and hard of heart,
In liberty of bloody hand shall range
With conscience wide as hell, mowing like grass
Your fresh-fair virgins and your flowering infants.
What is it then to me, if impious war,
Array'd in flames like to the prince of fiends,
Do, with his smirch'd complexion, all fell feats
Enlink'd to waste and desolation?
What is't to me, when you yourselves are cause,
If your pure maidens fall into the hand
Of hot and forcing violation?
What rein can hold licentious wickedness
When down the hill he holds his fierce career?
We may as bootless spend our vain command
Upon the enraged soldiers in their spoil
As send precepts to the leviathan
To come ashore. Therefore, you men of Harfleur,
Take pity of your town and of your people,
Whiles yet my soldiers are in my command;
Whiles yet the cool and temperate wind of grace
O'erblows the filthy and contagious clouds
Of heady murder, spoil and villany.
If not, why, in a moment look to see
The blind and bloody soldier with foul hand
Defile the locks of your shrill-shrieking daughters;
Your fathers taken by the silver beards,
And their most reverend heads dash'd to the walls,
Your naked infants spitted upon pikes,
Whiles the mad mothers with their howls confused
Do break the clouds, as did the wives of Jewry
At Herod's bloody-hunting slaughtermen.
What say you? will you yield, and this avoid,
Or, guilty in defence, be thus destroy'd?"