Friday, December 23, 2016

Trump and the Punishment of America

Throughout this whole Trump debacle, I've been fascinated by a prominent phenomenon among his so-called supporters: the idea of Trump as a means of revenge against progressivism and liberalism.

You see it in posts like "Share this picture to piss off a liberal" or "Trump won because of [political correctness/safe spaces/liberal stereotype of choice]". Never mind that Trump got the fewest votes of any Republican candidate in 16 years, meaning that his victory was not a reaction against liberalism, but a failure of Democrats to vote.
Emphasis added.
"It's time for things to suck for you" is the message here.

What's interesting about this mindset, and why I say it is held by "so-called" Trump supporters, is that it means that these people agree that Trump is a shitty person and will almost certainly be a shitty President.

In fact, they hope he will be a shitty President.These people do not want a good President. They did not choose a candidate who will be just, empathetic, intelligent, or measured. They did not choose to run the best conservative. They chose to run the worst.

They want punishment.

They want punishment so badly that they nominated a person solely on the grounds that he is regressive, infantile, puerile, crass, coarse, and conniving. They chose these things because to punish America for what it has become - for what progress has built. They don't care that, by punishing all of America solely to "get back" at liberals, they are going to punish themselves. They don't care that Trump's plans are going to be more disastrous for the red states than they will be for the blue. What matters is that the blue states hurt, just a little, and that conservatives hurt them.